Thursday, November 3, 2011

Letting out some steam....

Hey ladies <3

Remember what I said about my water fast? I'm ashamed to admit that it backfired on me... again.
Acctually the 31.10 wasn't so bad (compared to yesterday). I ate like 800-900 cals tops. And I wasn't too happy about it but oh well, what can a girl do except beat herself over the head with an imaginary baseball bat? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. FAT!
1.11. went great. I was really happy and proud of myself. Didn't let a single bite go past my mouth. Yay team.
Yesterday, however, was a HUGE disaster. I don't even want to think about what I ate. It'll put me in a very depressed state. I binged. That's the end of it. I'll do the best I can today
On the bright side yesterday morning the scale showed 69.9 kg, but I know that's just water weight. Nevertheless it made me smile like a chesire cat. On the other hand it'll probably rise up to 71 considering the binge fest yesterday. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I'm an idiot.
Do me a favor ladies, stay strong. ;)